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Treatment Of Clan Members & Capping


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First of all I want to say I can not believe what I have been hearing about how people are being treated in the clan. People in the clan need to remember there are many different types of personalities and that everyone is not going to agree or get along with everyone; but that does not give anyone of us to be a complete and utter ass to anyone.  (we all at one point or another have done this to a clan member) If you need to voice your opinion to a person do it personally over a pm chat or dont do it at all.  I have noticed lately that there are many clan members for lack of a  better term are at each others throats.  This is clan that is suppose to have fun and be a family.. Not a clan that has people at each others throats making rude and nasty comments on the clan chat or trying to one up eveyone on the clan chat.  For example if someone says they got a lvl in a skill (low lvl or not) is it really that hard to say congrats and not have to call them a noob or tell them how they are a faliure for not having higher lvls? (everyone at one point or another had to get the same lvl they just got) The arguing and the disrespect in this clan is getting out of control and all of us need to make an effort to act better to all clan mates (even if you think they have the insult/comment coming) This brings me to my next thing. People in the clan really need to cap. Today for example I got on and there was less then hour left to cap and only 10 people have visited the citadel. and we still needed 150 wood capped.  I have been on as much as I can all week trying to get people and remind people to cap.  So I leave you with this last hought:


How are we suppose to get the clan to grow if we are having people treated poorly and not having the members we have capping so we can get higher tiers? Why would people want to join a clan where people insult each other and barely make the goals for the week for capping?  This clan I was told at one time was highly respected and was one of the best to be in...not saying its still not but lets start getting our name back out there in a good way!

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I thank you for sharing this sam, it is very important, and needs to be said.


This change has to start with leadership, no one is perfect, and frankly, this is the internet. The internet is a breading ground for this nature, and is infested in every game, and every clan.


That said, we can be different, we can be above and beyond that nature, but it has to start with us, it has to start with our leaders. We know our resident 1 uppers, we know our resident trolls, and people who think its funny. Honestly, I would never be apposed to kicking someone that isntant if they are already known to act this way and continue, no matter their rank.



you know this just as well as I do, capping is going to take everyone, not just to cap, but to encourage clan mates to cap and take that time. It will never be something that we can do just by saying "hey guys we need to do this" it has to be a common goal, something that we can aspire to as a team. However, it seems that it isn't a goal of everyone, and its our job to inspire that vision, and share that vision with our clan mates.

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Very nicely said Sjames. Personal problems outside of the clan shouldn't be taken out on the clan. By introducing bad emotion, members really set a bad mood for the clan.

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