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A Guild


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Hey everyone!


I was thinking today about clans/guilds.


There is no other group I can think of that comes together by choice under a common goal, or common anything that is so diverse. Sure, maybe our personalities meld a little bit, and those who don't fit us come and go. However, it is overwhelmingly true that we all come from different places, with different life experiences, and see the world differently than each other. In no other circumstances do people like us come together and unconditionally accept and help each other grow.


That being said, we have to be sensitive to these differences, and understand that some of the things we can say, will hurt people. Ultimately we are going to have problems, but we are a family that can work through it.


We have a long, but amazing road ahead of us. we are going to learn, and grow together, and become the 1337357 of 1337 scapers!


Remember this:

we are above the law and below the law,


We are mafia, we are family, we are one.



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