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Omertà And Rules


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•ï¡÷¡ï• Omertà and Rules •ï¡÷¡ï•


The Omerta is the families oath and life force. Respect it, and you'll rise fast. Break it, and you'll be exiled from our Family.


‡†‡ Omertà

I will follow my Don's orders to the best of my ability.

I will be respectful to my Don and my family.

I will be loyal to my Don and my family.

I will not betray my family.

I will have no regrets

I will be vigilant.


‡†‡ Rules

I shall be active and supportive.

I shall never abuse power or trust.

I shall never disturb my family.

I shall be formal and mature when required or asked to do so.

I shall help benefit my clan if required.

I shall never report a fellow clanmate.

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